BHCC In the Context of Bloodborne Pathogens What Is Universal Precaution Questions

Question 1 (1 point) Explain the distinction between respirators classification and ratings of (N), (R), and (P), 95, 99 and 100 Question 2 (1 point) under which CFR title and subpart are the manufacture of respirators regulated? Question 2 options: 42 CFR Part 84 29 CFR 1910 14 CFR Part 91 41 CFR Part 84 Question 3 (1 point) In the context of Bloodborne Pathogens, what is the Universal Precaution? Question 4 (1 point) When is a single exit route permitted? 910 Part 36, The door of a building that leads directly to an outside area is official defined as ….. Question 5 options: the door that goes outside the exit discharge the exit the exit route Question 6 (1 point) I discuss a number of times in the context of 29 CFR 1910 the difference between these national standards, local building codes, and local fire codes. Explain this back to me

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