Biblical Worldview (Romans 1-8)

Recognizing that Romans is not a systematic theology and does not contain all the essential truths that are relevant to a worldview per se, the apostle Paul articulates truths that are foundational to the biblical worldview. In Romans 1–8, Paul addresses certain components of a worldview that relate to the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture.


In a 750–1000-word essay, describe what Romans 1–8 teaches regarding (1)the natural world, (2)human identity,(3) human relationships, and (4) culture. Furthermore, (5)explain how this teaching of these topics affects your worldview. Make sure that you address each of these topics in your essay.


·      As an essay, it must be written with excellent grammar, spelling, and style.

·      Begin your essay with an interesting introduction that contains a precisely stated thesis. End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points succinctly.


Structure of assignment paragraphs:


·      Introduction/Thesis (approximately 75 words)

·      The Natural World (approximately 150–200 words)

·      Human Identity (approximately 150–200 words)

·      Human Relationships (approximately 150–200 words)

·      Culture (approximately 150–200 words)

·      Conclusion (approximately 75 words)

·      Use each of the categories above as headers for each paragraph in your essay.

·      The body of your essay must address the specified components of the assignment in excellent grammatical style.

·      Your essay must be typed in a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman, 12-point font.

·      It must be single spaced, and must contain 750–1000 words.

·      All sources must be cited, and a bibliography must be included.

·      Format your paper in a Microsoft Word document using current APA, MLA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program). Review the Biblical Worldview Essay Grading Rubric to see the specific grading criteria by which you will be evaluated before submitting your essay.

·      Do not footnote Scripture references; cite them parenthetically within the essay body following the quotation or allusion to the biblical text.

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