Brainology Article Review

For this Quest, which is worth up to 100 points, your task is to analyze an argument. The act of analysis is breaking something down into parts and then explaining how those parts work together to create an effect–such as to persuade, entertain, or inform. Rhetorical analysis is this same process brought to bear on a text (a rhetorical object), which can be loosely defined as almost anything that has been created by people. You must select one of the texts from the Readings module here on Canvas. Read that text carefully, paying close attention to features such as: its argument(s), rhetorical situation, persuasive appeals, writing style, tone, persona, biases, fallacies, and so on (this list is not representative and illustrative, not exhaustive). The assignment is to write an essay of at least 1500 words that explains your analysis: what is the effect of the text, and how is that effect achieved (what specific feature of the text help focus, strengthen, or contribute to the overall effect, argument, or message)? This essay is not required to be formatted in any particular style. However, be aware that all of the rest of our essays will be in the MLA format. For that reason, you can earn 5 extra points for including a Works Cited page listing the text you chose to analyze. This is an all-or-nothing offer; the Works Cited page must be formatted at least 95% correctly for you to earn the 5 points, and no partial credit will be awarded.

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