Building Customer Relationships Discussion
Building Customer Relationships
mini-research paper please address the following questions:
- Identify your key customers. (These can be B2B customers of your products or services or B2C individuals whose satisfaction is key to the success of your business.)
- How might your customers value your products/services?
- Consider the changing marketplace, technology, your product, and your brand.
- Provide a good definition and description customer perceived value.
- What is your targeting strategy?
- How will you deliver your product/service to them?
- Customer Knowledge or Relationship Management:
- How will you maintain a good relationship with your customers?
- What techniques will you use?
- How will you keep your customers coming back?
- Have you introduced customer service standards?
1. Please use *APA format. This paper should be 3-5 pages, not including the Title and Reference pages. Avoid using 1st person style writing – especially since this is a scholarly paper. Instead of using I, substitute with this author or avoid using a specific reference. For instance, Starbucks coffee tastes great; instead of “I think Starbucks coffee is great.”
2. Provide a Title Page, the main body should have both Introduction and Conclusion sections discussing your Customer Relationship Management Strategy
3. Provide 1-2 paragraphs per topic.
4. Justify your choices, details, and statements. Provide a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources including journals and periodicals rather than books (including textbooks).
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