Business Plan PowerPoint

Business Plan Part II. Instructions  For your third and final assignment, you will complete the second part of your Business Plan using the provided template as well as a video. The second part of your Business Plan contains two sections: The Marketing and Advertising Strategy as well as the Financial Plan and Strategies. In the Marketing and Advertising Strategy section, you will describe your strategies for reaching current and anticipated customers, list your pricing policies and strategies, and outline your advertising/public relations plans.  In the Financial Plan and Strategies section, you will provide a summary of your past financial performance (if available), outline your current financial condition, state your projected sales and expenses, and identify your anticipated capital needs/determine how that money will be allocated. Once you will finish your plan, you will create a 3-5-minute video to walk a potential investor through your entire business plan (both Part I and II), selling its relevance and profitability. Your completed Business Plan Part II template and video must be uploaded to Blackboard by the end of Week 10. Remember that your business plan is key to the success of your business so put a lot of effort in here. Both items (template and video) should be uploaded to Blackboard by Sunday midnight of Week 10. Good luck and let your professor know if you have any questions!  Formatting Requirements for this assignment are as follows:  • Complete the template in Power Point and upload it to Blackboard  • References included as applicable in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested)  • Your video should be no more than 3-5 minutes in length and should also be uploaded to Blackboard

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