Busniess Ethics Section2 Review Paper 5-6 Page
Each reviews has to be 5-6 pages long. These reviews, which identify and critique the key themes in a section’s readings, are intended to demonstrate that the readings have been read and understood. Reviews may be considered as policy or management briefings intended to convey the key elements and importance of the topic to readers who need to be informed effectively in a limited amount of text. They should be prepared to a standard of research papers and use proper systems of citation.
January 19: The Shareholder
Carroll and Buchhholtz, ch. 16, “Business and Community Stakeholders
o ch. 17, “Employee Stakeholders and Workplace Issues”
o ch. 18, “Employee Stakeholders: Privacy, Safety, and Health
Reckard, E. Scott, “Activist investors put climate-change issue up for vote at bank,” Los Angeles Times, February 21, 2-013 http://articles.latimes.com/2013/feb/21/business/la-fi-banks-climate-change-20130221
CERES, “PNC GHG and Climate Change Risk 2014,”
Semuels, Alana, “A New Business Strategy: Treating Employees Well”, The Atlantic, November 26, 2014 http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/11/a-new-business-strategy-treating-employees-well/383192/?utm_source=SFFB
Smith, Jacquelyn, “Companies with the Biggest Jumps in Employee Happiness, Forbes, September 10, 2015
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