C- Diversity

Instructions:The first person narrative is a powerful tool not only to give a person voice but also to present powerful social justice, environmental, or cultural messages to the audience. The story is a powerful testimony to creating positives out of negatives, to taking physical challenges and turning them into strengths, to serving one community in order to benefit the greater community.   Watch the video Man and Beast by Alan Rabinowitz being aware of how the presentation connects to Topics 1, 2, and 3 of Unit 7.Watch this videoMan and Beast – Esoofi Kader videos 114;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzZYYG7ohcQ&feature=emb_logoPlease address the following:What literary elements did you find in this story (tone, setting, theme, etc.)  How did these impact your understanding of voice?The video used multiple elements of storytelling.  Discuss one or more ‘tips’ from Topic 3 that you found represented in the video.What aspect of your own story would you like to give voice?  How might you connect that to the needs of your community (neighborhood, church/mosque/temple/community group, workplace, etc.)?In a separate paragraph tell us the story of how you became a part of the Herzing University community.Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.Instructions:Respond to one peer.Address the following:Compare and contrast the literary elements you found in the story with those of your peer.  If they are largely the same, what is that saying about the power of storytelling?  If they are different, what is that saying about perspective?Review the potential topic your peer would like to give voice to and discuss the group or groups who would benefit from hearing their story.Provide an attention-grabbing title to your peer’s potential story.Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.ReferenceEsoofi Kader videos 114. (2012, November 9).  Man and Beast.  [Video File]. Retrieved from:  https://www.youtube.com/embed/CzZYYG7ohcQ

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