Can anyone write this paper on this story by tomorrow at 11:59 PM?


It may be about any of the works we have read in this course.  It will be a standard research paper, five pages long.  It should begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly articulates the argument/thesis you have devised about the work and then lay out the evidence you have gathered to support the argument. 

You may use secondary criticism about the literary work you choose to write on, though this is not required.  A works cited page is necessary only if you use secondary criticism. 

When quoting from the literary work you are writing on, simply put the page number in parentheses – e.g. (88) – after the quotation. 

You will see that my lecture notes always begin with a thesis and that my discussion supports the thesis with textual evidence and interpretation.  They are thus models for constructing the argument you will make in your paper.

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