Case 5.1 A Strategy Is Born

Case 5.1 A Strategy Is Born


. Which planning model do you think best rep-resents the events described in this case—the rational planning model (pages 213–15) or logical incrementalism (214–15)?2. Governmental planning takes many diverse forms. A very partial list of large-scale governmental planning activities would have to include at least the following: planning for the conservation and use of natural resources, city planning, planning for full employment, planning for personal and family security, planning for agriculture, and planning for the improvement of government organiza-tion. What lessons do you see in this case that might be relevant to these other planning activities?3. Ricks concludes that the surge, although successful on the tactical level, faltered on the strategic one. What do you think he means? Does Petraeus’ group bear any responsibility?Case ReferencesThomas E. Ricks, Th

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