Case: Average Adolescent Male

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Case: Average Adolescent Male

Case: Average Adolescent Male

Question 13. Question :

The average adolescent male usually experiences his biggest growth spurt at approximately __________ of age.

10.5 years

11.5 years

12.5 years

13.5 years

Question 14. Question :

___________ adolescents should be screened for hypertension.



High risk


Question 15. Question :

___________ is a natural part of our cultural and ethnic background.





Question 16. Question :

Physical health is not the only important consideration in providing health care to children. As a nurse practitioner, you will also need to take into account the following:

The presence of psychosocial issues

A child’s social development

A child’s neurodevelopment

All of the above

Question 17. Question :

Allergic symptoms may cause increased nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and difficulty in sleeping. What are some of the potential problems that may be present in addition to these symptoms?

Gastrointestinal disturbances

Difficulty in concentrating

Auditory and visual disturbances

Decrease in asthma exacerbations

Question 18. Question :

The most common clinical presentations of pneumonia include _____________.

cough, fever, and tachypnea

hemoptysis and putrid breath

sudden chest pain and cyanosis

retractions and stridor

Question 19. Question :

The average adolescent female usually experiences her biggest growth spurt at approximately ____________ of age:

10.5 years

11.5 years

12.5 years

13.5 years

Question 20. Question :

An infant should no longer have a head lag when pulled from the supine to sitting position at what age?

Two months

Three months

Six months

Nine months

Week 5 Assignment 4 Midterm Exam (limited questions)

5. Question :

The incidence of congenital heart defects is estimated to be ________ of all live births.





Question 9. Question :

Breastmilk can be safely stored in a freezer below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for how long?

Three months

Six months

One year

Two years

Question 10. Question :

Which foreign body needs immediate removal from a five-year-old boy’s nose?





Question 11. Question :

The most useful diagnostic test in delayed puberty is _____________________.

complete thyroid panel

X-Ray of the left wrist and hand

X-Ray of the right wrist and hand

X-Ray of the spinal column

Question 16. Question :

An average vision of a two-year-old child is approximately:





Question 17. Question :

A five-year-old female presents for a follow-up emergency room visit with a diagnosis of bronchitis. You would expect which treatment to have been prescribed?

Oral steroids


Increase rest and fluid


Question 18. Question :

An adolescent with a chronic asthma cough notes that symptoms are usually worse _____________.

only with exertion

only during the daytime

only at night

at night and with exertion

Question 20. Question :

An average adolescent female usually experiences her biggest growth spurt at approximately what age?

Ten and half years

Eleven and half years

Twelve and half years

Thirteen and half years

Question 21. Question :

If an adolescent has a bone age of 10 but is actually 13 years of age, this patient has ______.

an increased risk of fracture in the next three years

an increased risk of osteoporosis as an adult

a higher potential for bone growth

a lower potential for bone growth

Question 24. Question :

Gardasil results in greater antibody responses for females who are administered the three-dose series between what ages?

Six to twenty-six years of age

Prior to eleven years of age

Nine to fifteen years of age

Nine to twenty-six years of age

Question 30. Question :

An eight-year old has chronic intermittent nasal congestion. All but which of the following would support allergic rhinitis?

Red swollen turbinates

Darkened areas below eyes

Increased basophils on complete blood count (CBC)

Itchy, watery eyes

Question 33. Question :

A fifteen-month old failed treatment with amoxicillin for an otitis media. At his two-week recheck, his tympanic membrane remained red with distorted landmarks and he persisted with nasal discharge that is thick and yellowish. The best action for the nursing practitioner should be to prescribe:

A ten-day-course of augmentin

A three-week-course of a cephalexin

A higher dose amoxicillin

Ceftriaxone and an antihistamine

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