Question 1

A(n) ____ is a formal group of people responsible for approving or rejecting changes to a project.


a. CCA

b. CCB

c. CCC

d. CCD

Question 2

The project procurement management knowledge area maps to the ____ process group through the activity of administering procurements.


a. initiating
b. planning
c. executing
d. monitoring and controlling

Question 3

The first step in determining the NPV is to ____.


a. determine the estimated costs and benefits for the life of the project and the products it produces
b. determine the discount rate
c. calculate the net present value
d. determine the cash flow

Question 4

Some people say that ____ achieve the vision of a project.






Question 5

4 out of 4 points

A(n) ____ is a document that formally recognizes the existence of a project and provides direction on the project’s objectives and management.


a. balanced scorecard
b. business case
c. net present value analysis
d. project charter

Question 6

Many companies have realized that information technology is integral to their business and have created a vice president or equivalent-level position for the head of information technology, often called the ____.


a. CEO

b. CIO

c. CFO

d. CPO

Question 7

The ____ model uses an approach in which developers work with an evolving prototype.


a. incremental build life cycle
b. waterfall life cycle
c. RAD life cycle
d. spiral life cycle

Question 8

During ____ processes for a new project, the organization recognizes that a new project exists, and completes a project charter as part of this recognition.


a. initiating
b. planning
c. opening
d. controlling

Question 9

The ____ should list and describe all of the deliverables required for the project.


project charter
scope statement
Gantt chart

Question 10

The goal of ____ is to influence the factors that cause scope changes, assure changes are processed according to procedures developed as part of integrated change control, and manage changes when they occur.


a. control
b. verification
c. definition
d. planning

Question 11

The project scope management knowledge area maps to the ____ process group through the activities of scope verification and scope control.


a. initiating
b. planning
c. executing
d. monitoring and controlling

Question 12

The ____ model requires heavy user involvement, and developers use a model to generate functional requirements and physical design specifications simultaneously.


a. RAD life cycle
b. prototyping life cycle
c. spiral life cycle
d. incremental build life cycle

Question 13

In the ____ stage, organizations tie information technology strategy to mission and vision of organization and identify key business areas.


a. Project Planning
b. Business Area Analysis
c. Resource Allocation
d. Information Technology Strategy Planning

Question 14

A ____ is a collection of project phases.


a. project life cycle
b. project feasibility
c. project planning cycle
d. project acquisition

Question 15


A ____ is a meeting held at the beginning of a project so that stakeholders can meet each other, review the goals of the project, and discuss future plans.


a. kick-off party
b. launch meeting
c. kick-off meeting
d. project launch meeting

Question 16

____ include defining and authorizing a project or project phase.


a. Initiating processes
b. Planning processes
c. Executing processes
d. Monitoring and controlling processes

Question 17

____ project management software integrates information from multiple projects to show the status of active, approved, and future projects across an entire organization.


a. Investment
b. Active
c. Enterprise
d. Budget

Question 18

Projects that address ____ are much more likely to be successful because they will be important to the organization.


a. a balanced scorecard
b. a weighted scoring model
c. broad organizational needs
d. net present value


Question 19

During the Cold War years of the 1950s and ’60s, ____ continued to be key in refining several project management techniques.


b. the military
c. steel manufacturing
d. marine biology

Question 20

____ is a set of shared assumptions, values, and behaviors that characterize the functioning of an organization.


a. Organizational politics
b. Organizational philosophy
c. Organizational culture
d. Organizational structure


Question 21

Project managers have the least amount of authority in a pure ____.


a. functional organizational structure
b. project organizational structure
c. matrix organizational structure
d. circular organizational structure

Question 22

In a ____ matrix organizational structure, the project manager controls the project budget and has moderate to high authority.


a. weak
b. balanced
c. strong
d. functional

Question 23

The project schedule information section of the project management plan might include ____.


a. a detailed budget

b. key deliverables

c. a detailed schedule

d. project staffing

Question 24

According to the Standish group, which of the following factors contributes most to the success of information technology projects?


a. Executive support
b. User involvement
c. Experienced project manager
d. Clear business objectives

Question 25

Achieving high performance on projects requires ____, otherwise called human relations skills.



a. capital skills
b. soft skills
c. light skills
d. hard skills

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