CMIT 380 UMGC Windows 10 Presentation Prepared for Tetra Shillings Accounting PPT
CMIT 380 UMGC Windows 10 Presentation Prepared for Tetra Shillings Accounting PPT
Windows 10 Presentation Prepared for Tetra Shillings Accounting PPT
Client Specifications for Tetra Shillings Accounting
When developing your plan, keep in mind the following information about the client:
- All desktops and laptops are currently running Windows 8.1 Enterprise.
- About half of the laptops are less than a year old and will be retained for the upgrade.
- All other laptops will be replaced with new hardware in time for the upgrade.
- All desktop systems will be replaced with new laptops.
Your windows upgrade plan for Tetra Shillings Accounting should be based on Microsoft solutions and best practices and include the following points:
- The advantages of upgrading to Windows 10, including at least three Windows 10 features that will provide the most benefit.
- Recommendations for a version of Windows 10 for the upgrade and the install method(s) to be used.
- At least two automated deployment options.
- Plans to minimize disruptions to business operations.
- A strategy that will keep operating systems updated.
- Two IEEE references.
How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
For this assignment, you are asked by your manager to develop a plan for upgrading the computers for a client from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. This will require you to review the business needs of the client so that you fully understand the requirements for the upgrade to be successful. For example, what is significant about the need for an upgrade to Windows 10? How will it benefit the client? Are there any concerns that the client has about the upgrade? How will you address them? By documenting your choices and the overall recommendations in an effective background report, you are showing how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. Your ability to express your findings using the right mix of technical detail is an important workplace skill. The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:
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