CMPSC 4473 North Lake College Theory of Programming Languages Questions

CMPSC 4473 North Lake College Theory of Programming Languages Questions

Theory of Programming Languages Questions



CMPSC 4473 Theory of Programming Languages

Make sure to write the answers in your own words, do not just copy paste from the internet.


  1. What is a procedural programming language? Briefly describe and give an example of one. – 6 points
  2. Who developed FORTRAN? – 2 points
  3. Briefly describe the main application of FORTRAN and the main application of COBOL. – 6 points
  4. Describe what a programming paradigm is and provide 3 examples of different programming paradigms. – 8 points
  5. Briefly describe the phases involved in the compilation process. – 8 points
  6. Draw the parse tree for the following derivation: – 8 points

<assign> => <id> = <expr>

=> A = <expr>

=> A = <id> + <expr>

=> A = B + <expr>

=> A = B + <id> + <expr>

=> A = B + C + <expr>

=> A = B + C + <id>*<expr>

=> A = B + C + D*<expr>

=> A = B + C + D*(<expr>)

=> A = B + C + D*(<id> + <expr>)

=> A = B + C + D*(A + <expr>)

=> A = B + C + D*(A + <id>)

=> A = B + C + D*(A + B)


  1. What does an assembler do? – 4 points
  2. Briefly describe Von Neumann Architecture and the Instruction Cycle. – 8 points
  3. What are data abstractions and control abstractions? Describe each one, specify the different levels of abstraction, and provide an example for each level and type. – 14 points
  4. Provide an example of syntactic sugar. – 2 points
  5. Briefly describe the difference between syntax and semantics. – 4 points
  6. In reference to programming languages, what is expressiveness? – 4 points
  7. In reference to programming languages, what is regularity? Make sure to describe the 3 concepts that it is subdivided into. – 8 points
  8. Why did Stroustrup choose to use C as a basis for C++? – 6 points
  9. How are loops implemented in functional programming? – 4 points
  10. What is the advantage of tail recursion over non-tail recursion. Briefly describe. – 8 points
  11. Bonus 8 points- Draw the expression tree for the following prefix expression:

(* (* (+1  2)(+ 3  4))(+5  6)) and specify the result of the expression.







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