
Required Resources Course Text: Concepts for Care: 20 Essays on Infant/Toddler Development and Learning “Nurturing Very Young Children Who Experience More Than One Language” by Barbara Zurer Pearson with Peter L. Mangione (pp. 31–39) “Embracing Inclusion: When ALL Means ALL” by Rebeca Valdivia, Linda Brault, and Anne Kuschner (pp. 65–69)”Every Child Is a Cultural Being” by Carol Brunson Day (pp. 97–99)
Course Text: Building Strong Foundations: Practical Guidance for Promoting the Social-Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers Review “Thinking About Culture” (pp. 9–10)

Optional Resources Web Article: Shackelford, J. (1994). Providing early services to children with special needs and their families (IDEA Paper No. 1). Retrieved from

Web Article: DEC/NAEYC. (2009). Early childhood inclusion: A joint position statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Retrieved from Web Article: National Professional Development Center on Inclusion. (2009). Research synthesis points on early childhood inclusion. Retrieved from

Content Review

Directions: Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between 2–3 paragraphs in length. Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document. Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your Instructor can see which question you are responding to. “Whether children will eventually speak one language, two languages, or more, their earliest lessons take place in the universal language of human interaction” (Pearson & Mangione, 2006, p. 32). Based on the essay “Nurturing Very Young Children Who Experience More Than One Language” in Concepts for Care, identify at least three practices that support the language development of all children. Then, identify and explain three additional considerations that may require attention for children who experience more than one language.
Every professional “should take greater responsibility participating in and promoting a dialogue of inclusion that makes explicit that ‘all’ means every child” (Valdivia, Brault, & Kuschner, 2006, p. 68). Based on the essay “Embracing Inclusion: When ALL Means ALL” in Concepts for Care, explain what the term inclusion means for very young children with developmental delays and disabilities, and describe two strategies you can use to prepare yourself to support inclusion.
Carol Brunson Day, president of the National Black Child Development Institute, writes in “Every Child Is a Cultural Being” that respecting cultural differences, although important, is not enough. Reflect on this essay in Concepts for Care, and explain how practicing at least three of the actions presented can deepen your recognition of children as unique cultural beings.



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