Common Screenings for Women

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Common Screenings for Women

Common Screenings for Women

Many screening procedures are often recommended and routinely used with women to detect diseases in the earliest stages possible. Consider Cindy, who was 28 years old when she received the results of her annual pap smear. The results of the test were abnormal, leading to a diagnosis of human papillomavirus (HPV). While Cindy’s type of HPV did not require treatment, subsequent annual pap smears were highly recommended due to risks associated with the disease. Five years later, after another round of abnormal screening results, Cindy was diagnosed with aggressive cervical cancer, which was then successfully treated (Tamika & Friends, Inc., 2011). For diseases like cervical cancer, screenings and early detection can save patients’ lives, as it did in Cindy’s case. As an advanced practice nurse caring for women, you must be able to provide recommendations for screening tests, interpret test results, and develop care plans that meet the unique needs of patients.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, students will:
  • Evaluate strengths and limitations of guidelines for screening procedures
  • Analyze the influence of guidelines on clinical decision making
  • Analyze the impact of advanced practice nurses on issues related to screening guidelines
  • Evaluate diagnoses for patients
  • Evaluate treatment and management plans
  • Understand and apply key terms, principles, and concepts related to clinical guidelines on screening procedures
  • Analyze differences between common screenings for younger women and common screenings for older women
Breast Cancer is disease that affects both women
You have higher chance of surviving breast cancer if you catch it early. 
Breast tumors that are small have lower risk of spreading to lymph nodes and important organs including the lungs and brain. 
Some specialists advise having breast exam every one to three years if you’re in your 20s or 30s. 
If you have other risk factors, you may need more frequent testing.


Mammography Screening
Mammograms are low-dose X-rays that can detect lump before you notice it, though benign results don’t rule out cancer altogether. 
According to some doctors, you should get mammogram every year when you’re in your forties. 
From your 50s to your 70s, mammograms are recommended every one to two years. 
Naturally, if you’re at higher risk, your doctor may advise more frequent screenings.


Cervical Cancer is cancer that affects the female reproductive system


Cervical cancer (shown) is disease that can be easily avoided. 
The cervix connects the uterus (where baby develops) and the vaginal canal (the birth canal). 
Pap smears and HPV testing may be used by your doctor to screen for cervical cancer. 
Pap smears identify abnormal cells on the cervix that can be eliminated before they become cancerous. 
Human papillomavirus (HPV), kind of STD, is the leading cause of cervical cancer.


Cervical Cancer Detection
Your doctor takes cells from your cervix and sends them to lab for analysis during Pap smear. 
Your doctor will discuss whether pap test alone or in conjunction with HPV testing is required. 
They’ll also discuss how frequently you should be screened with you. 
You’ll require annual chlamydia and gonorrhea tests if you’re sexually active and at risk.
Cervical Cancer Vaccines are type of vaccine that is used to prevent the cancer of the cer
Several types of HPV can be protected against by HPV vaccines in women under the age of 26. 
However, the vaccines do not protect against all types of HPV that cause cancer, and not all cervical malignancies are caused by HPV. 
Cervical cancer screening should continue to be done on regular basis.


Fractures in the Bones and Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis refers to condition in which person’s bones are brittle and weak. 
Men and women both suffer from osteoporosis after menopause. 
After slight fall, blow, or violent twist, the initial sign is frequently painful break. 
The condition is responsible for roughly half of all breakage in women over the age of 50, and one out of every four in men. 
Osteoporosis is disease that can be prevented and treated.


Screening for Osteoporosis
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is type of X-ray that can detect osteoporosis and test bone strength before it breaks. 
It can also be used to forecast the likelihood of future failures. 
All women over the age of 65 should have this examination. 
You may need to begin earlier if you have risk factors for osteoporosis.
Skin cancer is type of skin cancer that affect
Skin cancer comes in variety of forms, and all of them can benefit from early treatment. 
Melanoma (seen below) is the most dangerous, as it affects the cells that provide the pigment of person’s skin. 
This type of cancer is sometimes passed down in families, and it can be exacerbated by excessive sun exposure. 
Non-melanoma skin cancers like basal cell and squamous cell are frequent.


Skin Cancer Examinations
Keep an eye on your skin markings, such as moles and freckles, for any changes. 
Keep an eye on how their shape, color, and size vary over time. 
Some experts advise that you have your skin examined by dermatologist or other health professional as part of your routine physical examinations.


Hypertension is condition in which the blood pressure is elevated
High blood pressure is more likely to develop as you get older, particularly if you are overweight or have certain unhealthy habits. 
High blood pressure can strike suddenly and without warning, resulting in life-threatening heart attacks or strokes. 
As result, working with your doctor to keep it under control could save your life. 
Long-term risks such as heart disease and kidney failure can be avoided by lowering your blood pressure.
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