Comparing Two Communities

You will take the information you obtained in the Windshield Survey and compare it to a larger community (such as another city, state, or nation. You can use another community in your zip code, the larger metro area if you live in a suburb, the larger town next to your community, another community in another state etc). Use statistics if you can find them to augment your comparison of these two communities. By reviewing demographic, health, crime, and educational data, and by comparing local data with city, county, state, and national data, you will be able to determine how well the selected community functions. This is an objective analysis. It is based on official statistical data and related scientific documentation After you complete this, you will hopefully discover a topic for your education project and be able to write two community health nursing diagnoses.Goal: This part of the community assessment helps you analyze correlations between the subjective and objective data.Write an APA style paper, no more than 3 pages. Please utilize your Publication Manual of the APA (7th ed.).

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