Continuity of Operations (COOP)

identify the crucial components of a viable “FPC 65” COOP plan. Identify a ‘Critical Infrastructure / Key Resource’ organization for your COOP plan, provide a description of the CIKR function provided by the organization, and delineate the ‘essential functions and activities’ required to provide that function or service.

The FEMA document attached as coop-multi-year_plan is most helpful.

To clarify….

Review the FEMA Multi-Year Guide.

Choose an entity such as a business, community center, hospital etc.

Determine what critical infrastructures and key resources the entity provides and uses.

Describe briefly why each CI/KR is important.

Use Annex C of the FEMA plan as a guide to write a brief report of your entity’s COOP.

NOTE – Attached you will find one example of well-done COOPs

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