Create a Comic

Task: You are going to write about a specific time in your life, in the same way that Satrapi does in the chapters of her graphic novel.

 you can use a free comic strip maker to create your graphic novel.

There will be no difference in grading.

How to create your comic using a free comic strip maker:

Go to Create an account using the sign up “I just wanna have fun” option. Please do not sign in with the ‘I’m a student’ option as this option is not free.
Once you are signed in, you can start creating your comic/graphic novel. Not sure how to proceed? Check out their help center and the how-to videos. Once you are done with your comic, you will need to publish it. (The publish option is at the bottom of the page). The following shows you how to publish and share the link to the comic you create:

Details about the assignment: Your work must have at least 20 vignettes with no more than 5 without text. There must be at least 2 characters; one of which must be you. You can have vignettes with only one person, however, but your story must have at least 2 characters. There must be at least 2 different settings. It must be about a specific time in your life. (not a long period of time)

How to make a good comic strip? Think about Satrapi’s use of dialogue, sequence, and story narration. Make sure the background/setting you choose fits what your story is about.

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