Crime is sometimes defined as behavior that is immoral. Explain why morality helps little in determining whether specific acts should be considered criminal according to Register and Grimes (2016). Where can morality or ethics be used with law for a political and economic system? Give specific examples. Hint, see your instructor notes.

Unit 3: Discussion

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In each unit students relate course materials and instructor notes to module material.  Students are required to make one main post (three to four paragraphs) that addresses the specific discussion by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. CT, and two peer review posts (responses to his or her classmates’ posts that are two to three paragraphs each) by 11:59 p.m. Sunday CT. All posts must utilize and cite material from the unit’s course information/readings, including complete internal citations and a reference list. Each post is worth 8 points, for a total of 24 points for the discussion.

What are substantive postings? Substantive postings include:

  • Responding to discussion questions as well as discourse between students related to subject matter within the course.  This includes posting responses to others’ answers within a Discussion Area.  A response may express agreement with or challenge to the point of view expressed, supported by references (citations) to the text or lecture.
  • Contributing to the discussion based upon course content, theory, or personal experiences, not simply personal opinions.


Select only one discussion question to answer below. If the question has already been selected, select a question not yet answered.

D1. Goods and services can be classified to one of three categories: private, semiprivate, or public. Explain the differences, and provide examples of each category.

D2. Use the concepts of rivalry and exclusivity in consumption to explain the difference between private, semiprivate, and public goods.

D3. Markets have difficulty in providing public goods and services. Explain why. Be sure to use the free rider concept. What is the implication of this for public administration?

D4. Crime is sometimes defined as behavior that is immoral. Explain why morality helps little in determining whether specific acts should be considered criminal according to Register and Grimes (2016). Where can morality or ethics be used with law for a political and economic system? Give specific examples. Hint, see your instructor notes.

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