Critical Comparison Essay
Please create a critical comparison essay on the following two articles in APA format: 1. Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775-786. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x 2. Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Qayyum, A. (2011). Digital learners in higher education: Generation is not the issue. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 37(1), 1-24. Retrieved from Kindly prepare the following: 1. Reverse outline for both the articles ( Bennet and Bullen )separately 2. Identify issues and debates for both the articles ( Bennet and Bullen )separately 3. Critical thinking question and answers for both the articles( Bennet and Bullen ) separately 4. Critical comparison outline just like a reverse outline 5. Critical comparison essay in 800 words in APA format. Note: 1. For your reference APA format is shared 2. For your reference or as an example – reverse outline, issues and debates, critical thinking questions and answers, and critical comparison outline of two articles – Prensky and Wohlsen have been attached here. 3. Templates for all of the above are also attached here. 4. Make sure you follow all the instructions and templates carefully. 5.My professor needs me to strictly work on the above templates and do not go beyond the sources (articles of Bennet and Bullen)
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