Cultural Heritage

In “Everyday Use” and “Scar,” both Alice Walker and Amy Tan explore the ways in which people honor their cultural heritage. Dee, Maggie and their mother differ in the ways they feel about and treat the possessions that make up their shared culture. In “Scar,” daughters honor their mothers through different kinds of physical sacrifice.For today’s assignment, the question is: ​How do different perspectives on culture lead to conflict in these stories?Write one interpretive paragraph that begins with a claim that responds to this question. In your paragraph, incorporate t​ wo quotes, one from each story​, to support that claim. You should provide context for the evidence and thorough commentary that explains how the evidence proves or demonstrates your claim. Conclude your paragraph with a reflection about culture and conflict based on your own experience or observation. Be school appropriate and family friendly with your own experience or observation. Minimum half a page, double-spaced.Search summaries from cliffnotes and sparknotes.

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