CUV Exposure to A Different Culture in United States Essay

Suggested length: 3 pages

Chapter 2

  1. Exposure to a different culture can be both fascinating and frightening. Have you ever had any experiences with a different culture? Share your experience. OR: What culture would you be interested in learning more about and why?
  2. On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and Their Own Families? How do the points in this reading connect to themes, concepts, terms and ideas mentioned in Chapter 2? For instance, evaluate perceptions of death and dying in American culture.

What in reference to the list of Values in U.S. Society found on p. 56-57 – What do you make of this quote? (Share any reflections on how you think this fits in with US culture and values mentioned in Chapter 2.)

“We’re so conditioned to looking at the world in terms of Good vs. Evil that, whatever the issue, we’re always looking for a villain to defeat. Just think of The War on Terrorism (the evil terrorists). The War on Drugs (the evil drug producers). The War on Climate Change (greenhouse gas emissions). Insert anything really: Disease (germs). Poverty (greed). Racism (racists). It seems our destiny is to go to war against those evil guys. But nobody seems to be asking what’s at the root of the evil, the greed or the racism. The cause of the greenhouse gas emissions. Or the function of the germs.” (Quote by Charles Eisenstein)

  1. What are some social issues that you care about and what do you feel are root causes? Do any examples of “good v. evil” thinking come to mind? (Elaborate with examples and references to the text).




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