Define Philosophy? — “My favorite answer is that philosophy is.

Define Philosophy? — “My favorite answer is that philosophy is.

Define Philosophy? — “My favorite answer is that philosophy is.

. Define Philosophy? — “My favorite answer is that philosophy

is all of the rational inquiry except for science.” Why is it that the author said it? What is the limitation of science which philosophy does not have? You may explain your side, what is the importance of philosophy in your life which science may not be able to answer. 2. What is Rationality by William James? Explain the implication and its meaning. Can one avoid contradiction? Can one avoid misunderstanding? 3. Choose 2 important Values of Philosophy according to Bertrand Russell. Explain each. 4.
In your own words
: after reading some concepts in these beginning chapters, Why do you need to study philosophy? or answer, “What is your philosophy in life”?

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