Describe the main parts of the Health Information…

 Describe the main parts of the Health Information…

Describe the main parts of the Health Information…

  Describe the main parts of the Health Information Portability

and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and how it protects health care information.
2.    Why is health care information sensitive?
3.    List 5 examples of privacy data elements for HIPAA as defined in the Privacy Rule.
4.    Describe the role of state law in protecting the confidentiality of medical records.
5.    What other laws affect health care in the USA?
6.    What is the difference between COBRA and HIPAA?
7.    Explain incidental disclosures that are permitted disclosures under the Privacy Rule.
8.    Discuss the scope of HIPAA in the context of small doctor’s and dentist’s offices. Do these offices have to comply with the same HIPAA regulations as large health institutions? What challenges do the small offices face?
9.    Consider the check-in desk at any doctor’s office, dentist’s office, or emergency room at a hospital. Most desks are located in the waiting room, where visitors can hear conversations at the check-in desk between care providers and patients. What procedures should be instituted to ensure the privacy of conversations between providers and patients?

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