Developing a Comprehensive Active Directory Backup and Recovery Plan, assignment help

Complete this exercise before the end of the module’s week.

You are the network administrator for You have been asked to develop a comprehensive Active Directory backup and recovery plan for the company. You need to include recommendations on backup types and details on how to restore backups in a variety of use cases.

After a series of meetings, you’ve identified several recovery use cases, including major disaster recovery to a new location; total failure of a domain controller, including one holding one or more operations master roles; inadvertent or deliberate
deletion of a major portion of Active Directory; and inadvertent or deliberate deletion of individual objects in Active Directory.

1. What solutions would you propose for the total failure of a domain controller that doesn’t hold operations master roles?

2. What solutions would you propose for the recovery of an entire Active Directory container?

3. What solutions would you propose for the recovery of individual objects in Active Directory?

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