Developmental Psychology Discussion

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Developmental Psychology Discussion

Developmental Psychology Discussion


Text: Human Development: A Cultural Approach

First Edition, 2012 ISBN-13: 9780205595266

Author(s): Jeffrey Jensen Arnett

Publisher: Pearson


Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. What portion of the United States’ population will increase from 16 to 30 percent by 20507

a. African American

b. Anglo American

c. Asian American

d. Latino American

2. What percent of children in developing countries are enrolled in secondary education?

a. 30

b. 50

c. 70

d. 90

3. According to Dharmashastras, the sacred law books of the Hindu religion, an individual who is 45 years old is in the __ stage.

a. apprentice

b. householder

c. forest dweller

d. renunciant

4. Ancient philosopher Solon divided lifespan into __ .

a. two 35-year segments

b. five 13 year segments

c. ten 7 -year segments

d. fifteen 5-year segments

5. The third step in the scientific method is to

a. collect data to test the hypothesis.

b. identify a question of scientific interest.

c. form a hypothesis.

d. choose a research method and a research design.

6. To prevent ethical violations, most institutions that sponsor research, such as universities and

research institutes, require a proposal for research to be approved by a(n) .

a. Eth ical Standard Board

b. I nstitutional Review Board

c. Department of Research

d. University Research Sponsorship Department



7. Approximately how many genes comprise the human genome?

a. 10,000

b. 23,000

c. 50,000

d. 100,000

8. Each form of a gene that is contained within a chromosome is referred to as a __ .


dominant gene


recessive gene




single gene

9. Which of the following have a 100 genetic similarity to each other?

a. brother and sister

b. dizygotic twins

c. cousins

d. monozygotic twins

10. At what rate are neurons produced during the embryonic period?

a. 25 per minute

b. 250 per minute

c. 250,000 per minute

d. 2 billion per minute

11. Individuals who have what disorder are more likely to develop leukemia, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, or heart disease at earlier ages than usual (in their thirties and forties)?

a. Non Sex-linked-21

b. Down syndrome

c. Edward’s syndrome

d. intellectual disability

12. __ is the most common cause of infertility in women.

a. Alcohol

b. Stress

c. Age

d. Smoking



13. For first births, what is the average length of labor?

a. 6 hours

b. 12 hours

c. 24 hours

d. 36 hours

14. __ describes when the fetus’s head appears at the outer opening of the vagina.

a. Emerging

b. Turtling

c. Crowning

d. Exiting

15. What is a strategy that can be used in latent labor if failure to progress occurs?

a. sitti ng

b. walking

c. labor massage

d. active stretching

16. How long will it take before the pieces of the skull grow together and the fontanels disappear?

a. 6 months

b. 12 months

c. 18 months

d. 24 months

17. Deprivation of oxygen is referred to as __ .

a. brain damage

b. anoxia

c. neonatal lung immaturity

d. jaundice

18. On which neonatal assessment scale is the infant assessed on 27 items and receives an overall rating of worrisome, normal or superior?

a. Apgar scale

b. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale

c. Wechsler Infant Intelligent Scale

d. Stanford-Binet Scale



19. Soon after birth an infant will root for a nipple and begin to suckle. How long after birth is this likely to occur?

a. 30 minutes

b. 60 minutes

c. 90 minutes

d. 120 minutes

20. Supported by research, UNICEF and the World Health Organization have begun a campaign to

a. promote breast-feeding

b. improve the nutritional value of milk-based formula

c. seek political asylum for those who are of childbearing age

d. encourage the use of rice as a substitute for breast milk

2l. Which of the following describes a head to tail progression of growth?

a. proximodistal principle

b. cephalocaudal principle

c. thoracictorso principle

d. phalange-metacarpal principle

22. Which of the following are signs of teething?

a. increases in hunger and appetite

b. limited mobility and irritability

c. saliva production, drooling, and biting

d. frequent naps and a higher rate of nocturnal awakenings

23. The key to depth perception is __ , the ability to combine the images of each eye into one image.

a. retinal disparity

b. myopic vision

c. monocular vision

d. binocular vision



24. __ is when new information is altered to fit an existing scheme, whereas __ is when a scheme is changed to adapt to new information.

a. Accommodation; assimilation

b. Assimilation; accommodation

c. Retrieval; encoding

d. Encoding; retrieval

25. __ is our awareness that objects continue to exist even when we are not in direct sensory or motor contact with them.

a. A not B error

b. Object permanence

c. Egocentrism

d. Accommodation

26. What is joint attention?

a. when two adults pay attention to an infant

b. when several infants look at the same stimulus

c. when an infant pays attention to what others are attending to

d. when an infant pays attention to another infant

27. __ is comprised of personal attri butes such as irritabi I itv, soothabi I ity, emotional reactivity, and sociabi I ity.

a. Attachment

b. Temperament

c. I ntell igence quotient

d. Developmental quotient

28. What babies in the Thomas and Chess study were at high risk for problems in children including aggressive behavior, anxiety and social withdrawal?

a. easy

b. d ifficu It

c. slow-to-warm-up

d. unengaged



29. Protein deficiency not only limits the growth of children in developing countries, but also makes them vulnerable to

a. anorexia and food addictions

b. disease and early death

c. low intell igence and behavior disorders

d. autism spectrum disorder and Asperger’s syndrome

30. Perhaps the most crucial micronutrient deficiency worldwide is __ .


vitamin C


fl uoride




folic acid

31. In many traditional cultures, when a mother becomes pregnant with another child the toddler who is accustomed to sleeping with her may __ .

a. continue to sleep with their mother but be placed at the foot of the bed

b. continue to sleep with their mother until the birth of their sibling

c. be ousted from her bed to sleep with siblings or father

d. be ousted from her bed to sleep with grandmother and grandfather


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