discussion about ceremony book

I need 250 words at least as discussion about the ceremony book(cover of the book pic is attached) and a reply 150 words at least about this discussion:


illed with violence, superstition and times of racism, Ceremony has moments that grip a little beyond most books. Most exceptional to me is its ability to further expand my view of the world. Through its presentation of Native American folk tales, Leslie Marmon Silko presents a point of view that is somewhat contradictory to what I’ve accepted about Native Americans.

If I were to close my eyes and picture a Native American, I’d imagine a 90-year old man  with a face marked by sadness and strength. For all that’s happened to them, the millions of people who have been murdered, raped, robbed and relocated, this book presents the topic of “witchery.” Which explains how the Native Americans themselves have brought this destruction on themselves. T’seh says, “…things which don’t shift and grow are dead things. They are things the witchery people want. Witchery works to scare people, to make them fear growth.” My love of this section is not only in the acceptance of such a horrible fate the indigenous people of this land have suffered, but by the virtue required to acknowledge such fate and the strength required to survive such a fate.

Also, as is concurrent with the dialogue of racial attack and discussions of the harsh reality therein, Tayo himself faces some hard truths on his own journey through life . The book started with a vicious and vivid reenactment of Tayo fighting the Japanese in World War II. Clearly ill, he saw his uncle, who is safe at home, shot to death while his squad was firing at unarmed Japanese troops. Moving pass that is Tayo’s journey to getting better.

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