Discussion: Arterial blood Case

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Discussion: Arterial blood Case

Discussion: Arterial blood Case

Discussion: Arterial blood Case

Module 1: Discussion 3. Mr. B is a 70-year-old man who developed sub sternal chest pains radiating down his left arm while at home. He was taken to the ER via ambulance. His breathing was labored, pulses rapid and weak, and his skin was cold and clammy.An ECG was done which revealed significant “Q” waves in most leads. Troponin level was elevated. Arterial blood was draw with the following results: Ph 7.22 PCO2 30 mm Hg pO2 70 mm Hg O2 sat 88% HCO3 22 meq/liter 1. Aside from the obvious diagnosis of MI, what is Mr. B’s acid base status and what caused this disturbance?

Arterial blood is the oxygenated blood in the  found in the , the left chambers of the , and in the . It is bright red in color, while  is dark red in color (but looks purple through the translucent skin). It is the  term to venous blood.

Framed in the , often historically accredited to the , arterial blood has just passed through the lungs and is ready to boost  to sustain the peripheral organs. The essential difference between venous and arterial blood is the curve of the oxygen saturation of . The difference in the oxygen content of the blood between the arterial blood and the venous blood is known as the The arteriovenous oxygen difference, or a-vO2 diff, is the difference in the  content of the  between the  and the . It is an indication of how much oxygen is removed from the blood in  as the blood  in the body. The a-vO2 diff and  are the main factors that allow variation in the body’s total oxygen consumption, and are important in measuring . The a-vO2 diff is usually measured in  of oxygen per 100 millilitres of blood

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