Discussion: Industrial/organizational psychology

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Discussion: Industrial/organizational psychology

Discussion: Industrial/organizational psychology

Question options:
a) develops treatments for mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
b) aims to increase productivity and satisfaction of workers by considering how the work environment and management styles influence worker motivation, satisfaction, and productivity.
c) applies principles of psychology to the selection and training of employees.
d) explores how thought and behavior change and show stability across the life span.

Question 51 1 / 1 point
Max, an early researcher in psychology, was interested in how the mind worked. He attempted to break experiences down into its component parts. Max was most likely a:
Question options:
a) structuralist.
b) behaviorist.
c) psychoanalyst.
d) functionalist.

Question52 1 / 1 point
Emil Kraepelin was the first to describe “dementia praecox,” the mental disorder now known as _____________.
Question options:
a) major depressive disorder
b) bipolar disorder
c) Munchausen’s syndrome
d) schizophrenia

Question 53 1 / 1 point
Which of the following fields is considered a “parent” of the discipline of psychology?
Question options:
a) Philosophy
b) Literature
c) Chemistry
d) Physics

Question 54 1 / 1 point
In the 1870s the first laboratories in psychology were opened in _____________.
Question options:
a) Germany
b) Austria
c) the United States
d) China

Question 55 1 / 1 point
Julie is a psychologist and she is conducting research on the effect of talking on a hands-free cell phone while driving. Based on this information we can say that Julie is a(n) ______________ psychologist.
Question options:
a) developmental
b) evolutionary
c) cognitive
d) educational


Question 56 1 / 1 point

According to evolutionary psychology, language and science are examples of _____________.
Question options:
a) softwiring
b) by-products of adaptation
c) chance mutations
d) natural selection

Question 57 1 / 1 point
According to the view of mind-body dualism:
Question options:
a) the mind and the body refer to the same entity.
b) the mind controls the body.
c) the soul is the confluence of mind and body.
d) the mind and the body are controlled by our genetic makeup.

Question 58 1 / 1 point
______________ philosophy emphasizes the interdependence of body and mind.
Question options:
a) Eastern
b) Gestalt
c) Developmental
d) Clinical

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