Discussion: Interpersonal theory of depression

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Discussion: Interpersonal theory of depression

Discussion: Interpersonal theory of depression


# 1.46

(1 pts.) Which of the following statements best describes the psychodynamic component of the interpersonal theory of depression?

A) The theory emphasizes id ego and superego.

B) The theory incorporates behavioral contracting.

C) The theory explores the disturbed attachment bonds from early childhood.

D) The theory posits psychosexual stages of development.

# 1.47

(1 pts.) Mary has been in a continual state of dysfunction that has kept her from feeling truly happy or well-adjusted but she has never had a full-blown depressive episode. Mary might be diagnosed as suffering from

A) cyclothymic disorder.

B) dysthymic disorder.

C) bipolar disorder.

D) major depressive disorder.

# 1.48

(1 pts.) Although Katy is on medication to control her bipolar disorder, her psychiatrist is still concerned that she may have another manic episode in the weeks to come. Katy’s doctor is worried about the phenomenon known as

A) directing.

B) kindling.

C) snow-balling.

D) spontaneous recovery.

# 1.49

(1 pts.) Harriet’s therapist is focusing on how the death of her husband has disrupted her important automatic behavior patterns or “scripts” and how this disruption seems to be worsening her depression. Based on this information, what kind of orientation does Harriet’s therapist seem to have?

A) psychodynamic

B) cognitive

C) behavioral

D) humanistic

# 1.50

(1 pts.) Debbie has been diagnosed with the rapid cycling type of bipolar disorder. Which of the following types of medication is most likely to help her improve?

A) lithium carbonate

B) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

C) monoamine oxidase inhibitors

D) anticonvulsant medications

# 1.51

(1 pts.) Margaret is highly committed to dying but she has chosen to ingest ten aspirin tablets. Her suicide attempt would be described as being ______ in suicidal intent and ______ in suicidal lethality.

A) low; low

B) high; high

C) low; high

D) high; low

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