Discussion: nursing practice barriers

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Discussion: nursing practice barriers

Discussion: nursing practice barriers

Discussion: Barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving its goal

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. We are currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal. In your responses to course colleagues, suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.


EBP has become the predominant model of care that has gained recognition for facilitating the transfer of research evidence into clinical practice. Using EBP means integrating the best available information with clinical expertise and patient values to achieve optimal health outcomes []. As a consequence, it is a critical way to strengthen the practice of nursing.

The government of the Maldives is concerned with improving the health and wellbeing of the people of Maldives and thus has articulated a firm commitment to promoting EBP. However, EBP is a new paradigm in the Maldives and nursing research is still at an early stage of development. While it is well recognised that the Maldives needs to facilitate an EBP and research culture, political, economic, geographical, and social factors hinder the use of research evidence. Therefore, this study was initiated to identify the barriers and facilitators for EBP in the Maldives.

Barriers to the use of research in clinical practice have been cited frequently. Studies have investigated possible barriers to the adoption of EBP by nurses [–]. These studies have identified common barriers across a number of different countries. Historically, the primary barriers to the use of research in practice have been linked to the support provided by the organisation in which nurses work, the nurses’ research values and skills, the quality of research, and how the research is communicated or presented []. A meta-analysis conducted by Ashley [] of barrier and facilitators to research utilisation concluded that the top barriers were insufficient time, lack of understanding of statistics, lack of authority to change patient care, and lack of time to read literature.

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