Discussion on The Staff Composition

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Discussion on The Staff Composition

Discussion on The Staff Composition



Discussion on The Composition of the Staff

The composition of the staff members at the Culmer Community Action Center constitutes a vast variety of individuals from numerous racial and ethnic backgrounds. There are eight African Americans, about six individuals of the Hispanic origin, four Caucasian Americans and I also encountered some individuals who spoke Creole and French. Amongst these ethnic groups, they leadership and lower-level roles seem to be equally distributed. Each role is dependent upon the competency of that individual, their educational background, and prior learning skills and training. An ethnic group such as this is important when creating a culturally knowledgeable service center. The staff members of the community center also have a wide-ranging attribute of class in the various levels low, middle and high classes of derivation (Murray, 2012). The center compares this to the statistics that a group of multicultural people have been known to have a social class that that classifies them; therefore the center’s associates can assuredly pinpoint a common problem that relates to a certain cultural individual(s) in the specified societal class stages. Cultural competency amongst the center’s members is genuinely engrained in the perception of subconsciously recognizing culture within one’s self, but in the best interest and support of the center. The associates can also apt in the cultural setting of the public being served contentedly, as in the scenario of African Americans serving the populations in Overtown. They have established their abilities to form trust within their recipients who receive service, as they generally can relate to their beliefs, historical backgrounds and religion within the Overtown population. As a whole, the associates are involved in the whole process of educating themselves with each cultural circumstance that comes about whether it is when providing services or found within themselves. This is an accurate definition of cultural competency.

Mission Statement Description

To thrive as better community: serving essentials to the people who are in need. The mission statement focuses on the key points of the center which is to help those in need and help solve the issues of the community’s situation. Overall, to promise this mission with diversity, the organization trains the associates with training programs to expand their expertise in treating situation that occur in common cultural areas, as well as training them with the effective tools to overcome cultural and language barriers. They embrace the idea of developing worldwide to gratify the necessities of the diversified societies. A similar idea is implemented in the outline used when choosing the center’s associates on the foundation of expanding the class, culture, any other ethnic merits (Burger, 2013).

Multi-cultural Aspects of Occurrences

In one particular case, a person who fled from Bosnia came to the center. He was not able to understand the English language and does not have the financial and/or other means to survive on a daily basis. Although he was vulnerable to living in poverty, he had other barriers that didn’t allow him to access the system that provides help. Several workers got together with a voice translator machine to help them communicate with the man. That was really dedicated team work. Together they were able to contact the embassy of Bosnia and connect him with others from his country that has gone through the same issues. In this case, the prior training that was implemented and given to the center’s associates played a huge role in how to handle this gentleman’s multi-cultural circumstance.

Another case of a culturally competency at this center was when I saw an associate positively impacting and providing service to recipients who were looking into adopting a child internationally. These two parents came to visit the location with a 6 year old boy they adopted from South Africa. His mind is already extremely fixed in with the cultural ideas of South Africa. This culture differs much from the culture he has been adopted into. Although they are competent in communicating with each other, the parental units feared that he wasn’t blending in well in the culture they had placed him in. (Deibert, 2013). The associate gave the family a set a date to received family therapy that would give them privacy and help them as a family to adjust and to boost the self-esteem of the young boy as well. Because their culture is based on a solid base of a lot of family, the associate requested assistance from another associate who was also African American, so they could work together to allow them to feel better connected and make sure all their needs were met.

For the above set of examples, these associates gave me the inclination that they had a great deal of understanding of various backgrounds and worked in teams or shifted groups to make sure that their recipients care was top priority and met to their fullest needs. It showed a picture of multicultural understanding. In the first case, the associates gave a sense of fitting it to the immigrant by referring them to another location where immigrants with similar issues from his homeland also went for assistance. By understanding and redefining his mind set, they allowed him to find a comfort zone to assist him with his social surroundings. In the second case, the associate knew that an old-style of Western healing is identified to be more distinctive and requiring a logical way of working which is generally not promising in these kinds of situations (Harris, 2013). They also recognized the difficulty of treatment in absence of the individuals that embraced the little South African boy would potentially go through, therefore that’s why it was important to have someone more understanding to assist as a part of this environment.

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