Discussion Questions for Chemistry

1. How are covalent bonds similar and different from ionic bonds? What types of atoms are involved in each type of bond? 2. Determine whether the following bonds are nonpolar covalent, polar covalent, or ionic. If the bond is covalent, is the bond a single, double or triple bond? Also if the bond is polar covalent, determine polarity -which atom is slightly positive and which is slightly negative in charge? a) O2 b) NaF c) CO d) NH3 3. Use the systematic approach to covalent bonds (coordinate covalent bonding) for the polyatomic ion SO32- what type of bonds are between the sulfur (central atom) and each of the oxygens? 4. What is the geometry, name, and overall polarity of the molecule? a) NCl3 b) CO2 c) CF4 d) BH3

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