Discuss:Portrayal of elderly characters

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Discuss:Portrayal of elderly characters

Discuss:Portrayal of elderly characters


Week 1 discussion

Question 1

Watch at least 60 minutes of TV, focusing on the depiction of older adults. Analyze and discuss TV programming in the context of at least two of the following:

Portrayal of elderly characters

Intergenerational themes

Conflict in relation to the older population

Aging stereotypes or myths

Cultural diversity in relation to quality of care

Question 2

Discuss your own philosophy of aging. When do you think a person becomes elderly? What do you think of older people? Are they active, senile, debilitated, etc.? Give a description of an elderly person that you know.


Stereotypes arise in children’s lives from their direct experience and also from the media. Today, television and movies serve as an important socializing function supplying many children with images that can form, change, and reinforce stereotypes. Researchers have found that by the time children enter elementary school, they have already developed negative views of older adults. This research examines the representation of older people in Disney animated film in terms of their gender, race, appearance, role, personality, and physical characteristics of older characters. Disney films hold a prominent position in children’s media consumption and children today come to know Disney’s characters and stories just as their parents and grandparents. The findings indicate that while the majority of older characters are portrayed as positive characters, there is still a large percentage that is portrayed in a negative manner. These results help explain why children have negative feelings toward older people.

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Stereotypes arise in children’s lives from their direct experience and also from the media. Today, television and movies serve as an important socializing function supplying many children with images that can form, change, and reinforce stereotypes. Researchers have found that by the time children enter elementary school, they have already developed negative views of older adults. This research examines the representation of older people in Disney animated film in terms of their gender, race, appearance, role, personality, and physical characteristics of older characters. Disney films hold a prominent position in children’s media consumption and children today come to know Disney’s characters and stories just as their parents and grandparents. The findings indicate that while the majority of older characters are portrayed as positive characters, there is still a large percentage that is portrayed in a negative manner. These results help explain why children have negative feelings toward older people.

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