Dissociative Disorders

Dissociation occurs when feelings, experiences, and thoughts of our memory and consciousness don’t collaborate appropriately with one another. Dissociative disorders include a range of symptoms reaching from the memory loss for autobiographical actions to alter the experience and identity of everyday authenticity.  Therefore, we can term dissociation as the discontinuity and disruption in standard incorporation of memory, emotion, body representation, perception, consciousness, motor behavior and control, and identity. State dissociation generally is seen as the transient symptom that lasts for a few hours or minutes, and the trait dissociation is typically seen as the integral feature of personality. Dissociation not only occurs to patients, but it also happens to people like you and me. The purpose of this paper is to describe different therapeutic alliance and relational aspects I can use to predict therapeutic interventions and how to manage distressing and co-occurring symptoms. A therapeutic alliance generally is the connection developed in a therapy room between the therapist and the client. I would use my therapeutic alliance as the primary tool for realizing positive alteration in clients’ survives. Through training as a vital professional skill, I will develop a better therapeutic relationship with my clients. I will make sure that all my clients trust me when I am around them. This means that they will feel free to share their issues with me in a more relaxed manner. I will use a therapeutic relationship as a container to try new methods of relating in a more safe space (Balestra, 2017). I will enable my client to learn what a trusting connection feels and that sharing things with me is the best thing since I want what best for them. I will use the therapist alliance trait of a therapist who is a good listener, trustworthy, understanding, and capable of connecting, warm, empathic, and skilled and experienced. A relational aspect is an approach that might help individuals understand the role that relationship performs in shaping daily experiences. In the relational aspect sessions, I will be emphasizing the advancement of rational awareness. And to attain this, the individual in therapy and I will typically understand an individual’s approaches for disconnection. Once we have identified these factors, the client and I will explore the potential motives behind these approaches’ usage. From this, the transformation process starts to occur when the client and I build a new relational picture using therapist-individual in the therapy relationship as the model. Pharmacotherapy is used to describe medication usage like methadone to help in the treatment of opioid addiction. Many women and men suffer from co-occurring disorders called dual diagnosis or dual disorders. These people have substance use syndromes and mental health syndromes like panic, anxiety, and stress disorder. Most commonly, people with substance use syndromes suffer from anxiety and stress disorders. However, people who have a severe mental illness are more likely to use alcohol or drugs to manage mental health disorders. Co-occurring syndromes are frequently treated by combining pharmacological and behavioral approaches; therefore, increasing treatment effectiveness (Reus et al. 2018). I will use careful monitoring and good judgment when prescribing the medication to individuals with co-occurring and mental health disorders. I will use antidepressant medicine to treat individuals with alcohol usage disorder and central depressive disorder. More importantly, I will follow the pharmacological treatment principles, which range from general maintenance to diagnosing these disorders.    REFERENCE Balestra, F. (2017). Analyzing the relational components of systemic family therapy through the lenses of self-positions and therapeutic alliance: an exploratory study. Journal of family therapy, 39(3), 310-328. Reus, V. I., Fochtmann, L. J., Bukstein, O., Eyler, A. E., Hilty, D. M., Horvitz-Lennon, M., … & McIntyre, J. (2018). The American Psychiatric Association practice guideline for the pharmacological treatment of patients with alcohol use disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 175(1), 86-90.

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