Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

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Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

The Course Outcome covered this week is CO2

CO2: Communicate effectively with culturally diverse individuals, families, and organizations (PO3)

As nurses, we work with providers and healthcare team members whose native language is not English In fact, some of you may have interviewed a non-native English speaker for your Course Project This diversity may lead to challenges with communication and the nurse being “caught in the middle”

Reflect on your newfound knowledge of transcultural nursing

Share an example of miscommunication that occurred as a result of this diversity and whether an adverse outcome resulted

Describe how the miscommunication could have been and will be prevented in the future

Increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of the health care workforce is essential for the adequate provision of culturally competent care to our nation’s burgeoning minority communities. A diverse health care workforce will help to expand health care access for the underserved, foster research in neglected areas of societal need, and enrich the pool of managers and policymakers to meet the needs of a diverse populace. The long-term solution to achieving adequate diversity in the health professions depends upon fundamental reforms of our country’s precollege education system. Until these reforms occur, affirmative action tools in health professions schools are critical to achieving a diverse health care workforce.

Increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of the health care workforce is essential for the adequate provision of culturally competent care to our nation’s burgeoning minority communities. A diverse health care workforce will help to expand health care access for the underserved, foster research in neglected areas of societal need, and enrich the pool of managers and policymakers to meet the needs of a diverse populace. The long-term solution to achieving adequate diversity in the health professions depends upon fundamental reforms of our country’s precollege education system. Until these reforms occur, affirmative action tools in health professions schools are critical to achieving a diverse health care workforce.

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