DNP 810 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1 PEER Responses
DNP 810 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1 PEER Responses
Learners in the DNP program are required to develop a Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project. Describe your proposed practice site and a potential patient practice problem that you are interested in exploring for your project. Explain why this is a valid topic for your practice site. How do you believe this project will contribute to the body of knowledge in your field?
To ensure that the proposed practice problem is viable, refer to the “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations,” located in the DC Network, and answer these questions: Why is this a valid issue at my practice site? Why is this a patient practice problem? Will there be enough current research on this topic, or is it still being investigated by researchers?
kiruka Mgbemena
Posted Date
Feb 28, 2022, 1:31 AM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
My Direct practice site is Newark Beth Israel Medical Center where I work part time and it was established in 1901, located in the city of Newark in New Jersey. It is a teaching hospital that provides quaternary care within their 665 beds. They have a heart and lung transplant program and a Heart valve center including transcatheter aortic valve replacements (TAVRs, as well as a robotic surgery center (Newark Beth Israel Medical Center | RWJBarnabas health. (n.d.). The potential patient practice problem that I would like to explore would be to evaluate the screening protocols for risk reoccurrence for prior stroke patients.
This is a valid topic for my site because they are a primary stroke center. Stroke also known as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is when blood flow stops to a part of the brain, it could be from a blockage to the brain vessel or a bleed from a bust vessel in the brain. With all the medical and technological advances of the profession, stroke continues to lead as the cause of death and disability in the world. Those who survive stroke have a recurrence rate of 11.1% with the first year and 26.4% by the fifth year. 80% of recurrent stroke is preventable by modifying the risk factors so we can try to increase that 80% to 90% (Lin, et al., 2021).
It will contribute to the knowledge in my field by enabling all staff involved with the care of the patient to increase their observation and assessment skills when monitoring the re occurrence of stroke. Knowing that Stoke is a medical emergency and “time is life”. The article mentions that the risk of stroke recurrence is high, and their perception of the risk of recurrence will help to promote healthy behaviors. Stroke is preventable and treatable if managed properly and treated early enough (Lin, et al., 2021) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021).
Again, it is a valid issue at my site because we are a primary care center for stroke patients because a facility is certified by the state commission, American heart Association and other organizations and they have to maintain it (The State of New Jersey, 2020).
It is a practice problem because it is the leading cause of disability and death in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). A direct practice problem has been identified and it enhances the practice outcome and health outcome when it is monitored and will ultimately improve the quality of care of the patients.
There is definitely enough current research on this topic and it is still being investigated because it is the leading cause of death in America and worldwide (Lin, et al., 2021) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). Also, New Jersey mandated its stroke center Act since 2004 and the historic cause of stroke was diagnosed since in 1658 by Johann Jacob Wepfer who was a practicing physician in Switzerland up until today (The State of New Jersey, 2020) (DOAJ, 2020).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Stroke.
DOAJ. (2020). Historic review: Select chapters of a history of stroke. BioMed Central.
Lin, B., Zhang, Z., Guo, Y., Wang, W., Mei, Y., Wang, S., Tong, Y., Shuaib, N., & Cheung, D. (2021). Perceptions of recurrence risk and behavioural changes among first‐ever and recurrent stroke survivors: A qualitative analysis. Health Expectations, 24(6), 1962-1970.
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center | RWJBarnabas health. (n.d.). RWJBarnabas Health.
The State of New Jersey. (2020). CHAPTER 476. The Official Web Site for The State of New Jersey – FAQs.
• PE
Patricia Etheridge
replied toNkiruka Mgbemena
Feb 28, 2022, 2:13 PM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
Hi Nkiruka,
Great topic and interesting possible DNP DPI Project. However, in the DPI Project, you cannot explore or evaluate the screening protocols for risk reoccurrence for prior stroke patients. This is considered new knowledge, thus doing research. However, you can consider implementing an evidence-based intervention to address your clinical concern of identifying and decreasing the reoccurrence of stroke. You would need preintervention data of the number of patients that had a recurrent stroke pre and post-intervention. Please keep in mind that you will only be running your DPI Project intervention for 8 weeks, and will this give you enough time to gather information about a recurrent stroke when the data reflects a year post. We can discuss more as this course progresses. Take care, Dr. Etheridge
• AZ
Angela Zafke
replied toNkiruka Mgbemena
Feb 28, 2022, 8:51 PM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
Valuable topic to research for your DPI project as quality improvement in this area can have a profound impact on stroke care outcomes. In the United States in 2019, stroke killed someone every three minutes and 30 seconds (American Heart Association, 2022). Health care systems that have stroke programs in line with current guidelines can improve this number. Are there any gaps noted within your facility to meet the most recent and current guidelines? At my facility, work is being completed around care for patients who have a “wake up” stroke and extending possible thrombolytic therapy time. The meta-analysis completed by Campbell et al. (2019) found functional improvement with thrombolytic therapy in patients, who had favorable perfusion imaging, up to 9 hours from their last know well time. The implications of opening this treatment window has the potential to offer treatment to patients who were previously ruled out. I look forward to seeing the work you do on this topic and what avenue you decide to take.
American Heart Association. (2022). 2022 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update Fact Sheet at a Glance. Retrieved on February 28, 2022 from
Campbell, B. C. V., Ma, H., Ringleb, P. A., Parsons, M. W., Churilov, L., Bendszus, M., Levi, C. R., Hsu, C., Kleinig, T. J., Fatar, M., Leys, D., Molina, C., Wijeratne, T., Curtze, S., Dewey, H. M., Barber, P. A., Butcher, K. S., De Silva, D. A., Bladin, C. F., … Williams, M. (2019). Extending thrombolysis to 4*5–9 h and wake-up stroke using perfusion imaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data. The Lancet, 394(10193).
o NM
Nkiruka Mgbemena
replied toAngela Zafke
Mar 2, 2022, 10:34 PM
Replies to Angela Zafke
Hello Angela,
Thank you for your response. I do not know about that process at my facility but there are so many things that I have to find out about especially since I have not been in a clinical position. I will begin to ask questions and research about some of the stroke protocols and the steps to encourage prevention and reoccurrence of stroke as I work on this potential DPI project.
The article pointed out that the secondary treatment for stroke prevention has led to about 80% reduction in stroke reoccurrence especially since one out of every four strokes are recurrent strokes. So, there is a need to make sure that the stroke patients are adhering to their medical and pharmacological treatments such as early initiation of treatments, adhering to their medications and lifestyle and behavioral modifications to prevent recurrence through supportive measures provided to them by the medical team, educators and their families (Shani, Varma, Sarma, Sylaja, & Kutty, 2021).
Shani, S., Varma, R., Sarma, P., Sylaja, P., & Kutty, V. R. (2021). Life style and behavioural factors are associated with stroke recurrence among survivors of first episode of stroke: A case control study. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 30(4), 105606.
• EN
Elsie Nlerum
replied toNkiruka Mgbemena
Mar 1, 2022, 10:58 PM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
Hello Nkiruka,
I agree with you that recurrent stroke has a higher rate of death and disability. A few risk scores have been developed to predict short-term and long-term risk of stroke following an initial episode of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) with limited clinical utilities. The clinical risk scores that currently exist for predicting short-term and long-term risk of recurrent cerebral ischemia are limited in their performance and clinical utilities. There is a need for a better predictive tool that can overcome the limitations of current predictive models. Application of machine learning methods in combination with electronic health records may provide a platform for the development of new-generation predictive tools (Benjamin, E.J., Chiuve, SE, Cushman M, Das SR, Deo R, et al, 2017)
Benjamin EJ, Blaha MJ, Chiuve SE, Cushman M, Das SR, Deo R, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2017 update: a report from the American Heart Association. Circulation. (2017) 135:e146–603. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000491
Audimar Bugayong
Posted Date
Feb 27, 2022, 12:01 AM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
My proposed site for my Direct Practice Improvement Project is Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, which is in Los Angeles, California. Cedars-Sinai is licensed for about 880 beds, but the hospital’s daily census averages to about 950 and have reached over 1,000 on given days. When inpatient rooms are not available, Cedars-Sinai activates the Alternate Care Units (ACU) to decompress the emergency room, initiate patient care to avoid delays, and accommodate the growing census. The ACUs utilize various spaces throughout the medical center such as post-anesthesia care units (PACU), the gastrointestinal lab (GI LAB), post-partum, and pediatrics. The ACU is budgeted for 24 beds, yet the ACU’s daily census is about 70 patients on average. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), ACU’s daily census was about 110 patients.
There has been a dramatic increase in falls on the ACUs over the last few years. Falls can potentially lead to injuries, extend the length of stay, and affect the hospital’s budget and finance (Ward, 2021). When conducting a complete analysis and review of the fall event, the common thread includes the lack of initiating safety measures (i.e., bed alarms, placing beds in the lowest position, ensuring call lights are within reach), educating patients (especially those who are high fall-risk), and a lack of hourly and purposeful rounding. Nurses are well aware of fall prevention and interventions, but there still seems to be a disconnect. Organizations continue to implement fall prevention protocols and need to provide new innovative ideas to prevent such events Hakvoort et al., 2021).
At Cedars-Sinai, units with inpatient private rooms utilize the Responder 5 system to help prevent falls. When the nurse activates a bed alarm and the patient attempts to get out of bed, the physical bed alarms, the patient’s notification light right outside their room flashes for all staff to see, the primary nurse, clinical partner (equivalent to a certified-nursing assistant) and the charge nurse’s Voalte (iPhone) alarms, and the call light at the nursing station alarms as well. Unfortunately, the ACUs do not utilize this system. My goal is to find innovative ways and implement other fall prevention protocols to decrease our fall rates.
Hakvoort, L., Dikken, J., van der Wel, M., Derks, C., & Schuurmans, M. (2021). Minimizing the knowledge-to-action gap; identification of interventions to change nurses’ behavior regarding fall prevention, a mixed method study. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1–13.
Ward, B. (2021). Q&A: Reducing patient falls, saving money. Patient Safety Monitor Journal, 22(12), 8–10.

DNP 810 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1 PEER Responses
• PE
Patricia Etheridge
replied toAudimar Bugayong
Feb 27, 2022, 1:31 PM
Replies to Audimar Bugayong
Hi Audinar,
Patient falls are always a clinical concern, however, the DNP program does not allow fall prevention DPI Projects unless you are at an institution that states they have a “significant problem with fall” in writing. These are usually small agencies that don’t have the clinical resources that a DNP can bring. The reason is that there is so much current research already done on patient falls and interventions that work, the leadership at clinical sites can institute these easily. It appears your clinical site has already adopted a “Fall prevention program” in other areas of the hospital, and leadership has made a decision not to use it on the ACU. Please proceed with caution on this potential project,,,,,we can discuss more. Please check DC Network for Dr. Fetter’s notification regarding DPI Projects regarding patient falls and projects in prisons. If you can’t find it, please let me know. Take care, Dr. Etheridge
• NM
Nkiruka Mgbemena
replied toAudimar Bugayong
Mar 2, 2022, 11:23 PM
Replies to Audimar Bugayong
Hi Audimar,
Great topic of fall prevention. Despite all the years of setting up protocols to prevent falls, it continues to be an issue of great concern both to the facilities and most especially to the patients and their families for safety. Therefore, facilities go all out to try to find effective evidence-based practices to prevent patient falls. I have not heard of that system being used in your facility of a 5 point. Apart from frequent patient rounds where my facility gets everyone on the unit involved to make rounds and check on patients to make sure that they have their call buttons within reach and to make sure that they have their water or bedside table near them but also to ask them if they need to use the bathroom which seems to be he most reasons for falls. They also implement the tele sitting method of using the Avasys telemonitoring machine or also patient sitters. AvaSys system is a remote patient monitoring observation system that enables audio and visual monitoring of patients who are at risk for a fall. It is one of the first lines of defense for patients who at risk for falls. It alerts the staff immediately when a patient is at risk of getting up so they can intervene. This technology is deployed as a portable standing, wireless unit, but it can also be wired or become a permanent unit installed in the ceiling (Avasure, (n.d.). For them to use the tele sitter machine, it has to be a patient that is easily redirected and would listen to the machine or the person talking through the machine but when it is a patient who is highly disoriented and not listening to anyone, they use the physical presence of patient sitter to redirect and stop a patient by a gentle touch to stop them which maybe all they need of human touch and if that does not work, the doctor is called to order a chemical restraint-medication. Nkiruka
Avasure. (n.d.). AvaSure: Inpatient Telehealth Solutions.
Margaret Williams
Posted Date
Feb 26, 2022, 11:20 PM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
The Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) Project that I would like to look at is an Evaluation of a School-Based Asthma Protocol. The availability of asthma control for low-income family’s elementary students access to appropriate use of asthma-controlled medications is needed to help control asthma attacks at school with the help of school nurses to educate families that may not understand the importance of their elementary child’s asthma needs (Mickel, Shanovich, & Jackson, 2017).
My patient practice site will be working with area elementary school nurses in providing education and useful access to needed tools and medications in obtaining appropriate asthma control. This patient practice is a problem due to lack of education and tools available for meeting the goals of an asthma protocol in elementary area schools (Harris, K., Kneale, D., Lasserson, T. J., McDonald, V. M., Grigg, J., & Thomas, J., 2019).
I have found many articles of research in this area to have a good, base for a literature review. I feel that protocols in asthma education have room for improvement in elementary age students so that their asthma needs are well controlled.
Mickel, C. F., Shanovich, K. K., Evans, M. D., & Jackson, D. J. (2017). Evaluation of a School-Based Asthma Education Protocol. The Journal of school nursing: the official publication of the National Association of School Nurses, 33(3), 189–197.
Harris, K., Kneale, D., Lasserson, T. J., McDonald, V. M., Grigg, J., & Thomas, J. (2019). School-based self-management interventions for asthma in children and adolescents: a mixed methods systematic review. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 1(1), CD011651.
• PE
Patricia Etheridge
replied toMargaret Williams
Feb 27, 2022, 10:39 AM
Replies to Margaret Williams
Hi Margaret,
Great topic, however in a DNP DPI project, you cannot evaluate something, that is considered obtaining new knowledge, thus considered new research. In this clinical problem, you must know the number of asthma attacks in the school currently and your DPI problem will try to dececreae that number by intervening with asthma guidelines thru education. Thus, the goal is to decrease asthma attacks. You must have pre-intervention data that clearly defines the problem and is measurable. We can discuss more as the course progresses. Take care, Dr.Etheridge
• BQ
Beverly Quiza
replied toMargaret Williams
Feb 28, 2022, 2:02 PM
Replies to Margaret Williams
Hi Margaret,
Nice post and thank you for that. I work also as a travel nurse and most of the time I am assigned as a school nurse. I’ve noticed that school lacks tools for chronic problems of the students and also they don’t have a school nurse most of the time. Everyone in school and including students and family needs more training and education regarding asthma, diabetes and allergies that are common for children. I hope that this project of yours will help the school system to be aware and be prepared for it.
Beverly Quiza
Posted Date
Feb 26, 2022, 8:45 PM
Replies to Nkiruka Mgbemena
I work in a small hospital in Fresno, California and we only serve our Veterans. My proposed practice site will be at Veterans Administration Central California Health Care System. My proposed DPI project that I chose is reducing mortality from severe sepsis and septic shock in inpatient setting. Sepsis, a syndrome of physiologic, pathologic, and biochemical abnormalities induced by infection, is a major public health concern, accounting for more than $20billion (5.2%) of total US hospital costs in 2011 (Signer et al, 2016). Septic shock is the most severe complication of sepsis that has a high mortality in any hospital setting. I would like to improve our educational intervention and implement better ways to identify early detection of severe sepsis and septic shock. At work, we don’t have enough established protocols and treatment guidelines that we practice. Patients that experience sepsis rapidly can develop severe sepsis and septic shock and becomes very ill and has little time to improve their condition. I’ve noticed in our institution there are significant delay patient outcomes after identifying of sepsis. Partly, because lack of standardization to the approach of septic patient, extended stay in the emergency department, no standardized protocol, no guidelines to follow and disagreement with health care providers.
Identifying early detection of sepsis can improve patient outcome and this will greatly help our care for our patients. Early recognition of septic patient combined with quick and proper treatment can improve morbidity and mortality that could reduce death. Compliance with all the health care providers has a great impact in providing right care for septic patients. I believe that choosing this project can improve our patient quality care in our medical center. It is important for clinicians to assess patient condition, laboratory tests, timely antibiotic treatment administration, vasopressors if needed and fluid resuscitation. The management of septic shock and severe sepsis is best acquired with interdisciplinary team uniting with each other.
After completing this DPI project I am hoping that it will help nurses to be proactive in recognizing early signs of sepsis. It will provide a clear link to improve knowledge, competence, critical thinking and skill performance for clinicians. With the classification of sepsis our facility will be able to train clinical providers in identifying early detection of sepsis. Early diagnosis and proper treatment management of sepsis are important to increase of survival.
Elfeky S, Golabi P, Otgonsuren M, Djurkovic S, Schmidt ME, Younossi ZM. The epidemiologic characteristics, temporal trends, predictors of death, and discharge disposition in patients with a diagnosis of sepsis: A cross-sectional retrospective cohort study. J Crit Care. 2017 Jun;39:48-55. [PubMed]
Gotts JE, Matthay MA. Sepsis: pathophysiology and clinical management. British Medical Journal 2016.
Singer, M., Deutschman, C. S., Seymour, C. W., Shankar-Hari, M., Annane, D., Bauer, M., & … Angus, D. C. (2016). The third international consensus definitions for sepsis and septic shock (Sepsis-3). JAMA, (8), 801.
World Health Organization. WHO Report on the burden of endemic health care-associated infection worldwide. 2017-11-21 15:11:22 2011.
• MW
Margaret Williams
replied toBeverly Quiza
Feb 26, 2022, 10:21 PM
Replies to Beverly Quiza
What a fantastic improvement project to be involved in. I am very excited for you and to read this. I feel that when it comes to veteran care in general things tend to fall through the cracks because access to providers tend to be limited and there is so much red tape. Sepsis and septic shock are two things that are very dangerous and tend to lead to poor outcomes due to the quickness of the infection. Sepsis and septic shock are very serious medical issues in the United States, with a extremely high rate and death toll (Dumont, T., Francis-Frank, L., Chong, J., & Balaan, M. R., 2016).
Dumont, T., Francis-Frank, L., Chong, J., & Balaan, M. R. (2016). Sepsis and Septic Shock: Lingering Questions. Critical care nursing quarterly, 39(1), 3–13.
• JB
Julie Boswell
replied toBeverly Quiza
Feb 27, 2022, 12:39 PM
Replies to Beverly Quiza
Early sepsis identification and treatment is essential. It seems like we have been at this for a long time, but still very much in the beginning of battling the problem. Having a sepsis bundle for treatment is only as good as early identification. Studies have shown that delayed identification on med/Surg floors has led to increased deterioration of patients, including death (Society of Critical Care Medicine, 2019).
Does your project site have EHR prompted alerts? My facility has been using adult alerts for some time and recently added alerts for the pediatric population. They seem to be helpful, as we can define an exact zero hour for all sepsis patients. It was also more manageable for the nurses to identify sepsis criteria that they don’t usually think about, such as organ dysfunction. Watching for vital sign changes is easy, but lab findings are sometimes more difficult for nurses on the floor, depending on how they are reported.
This is an absolutely fantastic project. I look forward to seeing more as you move forward.
Society of Critical Care Medicine. (2019). Early identification of sepsis on the hospital floors: Insights for implementation of the hour-1 bundle.
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