Don’t Tell Mummy(Toni Maguire) or The Reason You Walk (Wab Kinew)



Choose a novel/autobiography to read. The objective of this assignment is to use this story as an example to demonstrate your understanding of course concepts. The primary source for the theory must be the course text. For each question, it is important to elaborate, explaining the links between the theory identified and the quotes chosen.

Below are some examples of books you might choose. Other books may be chosen, with the permission of the instructor. A movie or television show may be an alternative; however it is required that you discuss this with your faculty to explore the reasons for doing this and the implications.

1.Identify what type of abuse the main character was affected by. If the character was affected by multiple types of abuse, choose one type that you feel had the strongest impact on them or was the most prominent. Include a definition for this type of abuse and 2 quotes from the story to illustrate its occurrence. (4)

2.Identify 3 different factors that may contribute/lead to this type of abuse (causes/dynamics). Illustrate the existence of these factors with specific quotes, and explain how they contributed to the abuse. (6)

3.Identify 3 different typical child indicators (cues/clues) of this type of abuse. Explain the presence of these indicators in the story and illustrate with specific quotes. (6)

4.Identify 1 trait of a victim state of mind. Explain how this trait was displayed by the main character, illustrating with a specific quote. (2)

5.Identify 3 different traits of a survivor state of mind. Explain how these were displayed by the main character, illustrating with specific quotes. (6)

6.Imbed yourself in the story. Using “Strategies to promote resilience and healing” from the text, and using what you know about this individual in terms of their strengths, outline 3 specific, distinctly different, and detailed approaches you would use to facilitate their journey to survivor. Note that duty to report is a legal responsibility not a therapeutic intervention. (6)

7.Imbed yourself in the story and describe how you would advocate for this individual OR how you would engage them in an advocacy project. Identify what level of advocacy this is. Illustrate the rationale for your plan with a quote or details from the story. (2)

Length: Approximately 8 pages

Citations: in text citations and a reference list must be used for both course theory and quotes from the novel, APA format. Marks will be deducted as per the Program Guidelines for errors in spelling, grammar or citation

      • Toni Maguire, Don’t Tell Mommy: a true story of ultimate betray
      • Wab Kinew, The Reason You Walk: A Memoir


Needs Considerable Improvement

Needs Some Improvement


Use of course materials

Rarely or never uses course text for theory. Uses Wikipedia or Google searches.

Occasional use of course text for theory.

Consistent use of course text for theory.

Elaboration, critical thinking

Rarely elaborates on ideas. Discussion is very general.

Occasionally elaborates on ideas. Some specific points.

Consistently elaborates on ideas. Specific and detailed.

Use of quotes from novel

Quotes chosen are not relevant, or effectively linked to, the theory being discussed.

Occasionally chooses quotes that are relevant and well linked to the theory.

Quotes chosen are relevant and strongly linked to the theory.

Relevance to CYC practice

Approaches are rarely or never based in CYC practice. Are arbitrary or interventions that might more likely be used by another professional.

Occasional use of CYC based approaches.

Excellent use of CYC based approaches. Relational, strength based and realistic.

Number of ideas/quotes

Rarely provides the required number of points.

Occasionally provides the required number of points.

Consistently provides the required number of points.

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