Due 11/19

Part 1    Spend 5 hours to complete this field experience.  Observe and assist with teaching a minimum of four lessons, two science and two health/PE/nutrition (an integrated health and science lesson may count for either requirement), led by certified 1-8 grade teachers. If possible, observe more than one classroom/teacher. Observe additional science and health lessons as needed, to reach the 5 hours.  Take note of the technology used by the teacher to enhance instruction, as well as the technology used by students to enhance learning.  Part 2     Write a 250-500 word reflection of one of the lessons you observed and assisted with, describing the following: 1.The use of technology by the teacher to enhance instruction of science/health content. 2.The use of technology by the students to enhance learning of science/health content. 3.How you assisted with the lesson, and a reflection on your performance. 4.How you might revise the delivery of the lesson in relation to integrating technology.

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