Economic Environment: Based on Argentina
This paper is based on Argentina.
Length: no more than 1 page and a half in text
- Economic Environment: Charts may be useful in this part; follow chart example handout if used. If you use economic charts, make them horizontal trend line charts. Useful charts might include: GDP, GDP per Capita, unemployment, inflation, and most important the exchange rate with US dollar. We need to know if the economic trends are positive or negative. Is this economy safe for our FDI investment? Are there special economic issues in this country? In the last sentence state “The Economic risk is ____ (Low, Medium, or High)”.
Formatting (bad formatting implies bad content)
Needs a functional title and group #, names, course and section #, (Do Not Include My Name)
ONLY 12pt Times Roman throughout; No running headers or graphics
Page number bottom center starting with first text page (not on title page or table of contents)
USE HEADINGS! Major headings are Centered Bold; Follow outline
If you use charts follow chart examples and embed within appropriate text section
Be explicit! No Vague, Fluffy, Chatty, Incoherent, Nonsense Statements
Do not engage in “History”, “Teaching” or “Cheerleading” fluff
No recommendations outside of Recommendation Section
No statements of fact without attribution (use APA in-text citations)
Do not personify or use normative language (no I, We, Us, etc.; do not use ‘should’)
Relevance to FDI is everything! Stick to purpose throughout paper (EVERYTHING is about FDI)
References and in-text citations should follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA) publication guidelines. There MUST NOT be any orphan citations or references. References should be of high quality and include some from The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and The Financial Times. Do not cite textbooks or non-authoritative sources such as WikiPedia; if you do they will be counted against you. I will check with for originality.
- References and In-text Citations – Create citations and references as you gather facts. All facts and charts need source citations (Author and Year – directly under the charts or as in-text citations within the sentence just before the period). Associated references will be listed in this section alphabetically by author in APA format (Author, Year, etc.). Please see the APA handout from Blackboard for examples.
- APA style; NO ORPHANS and no footnotes. All citations must have a reference; all references must have at least one citation.
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