Effectiveness of Poetry
Discuss the effectiveness of poetry as a mode of expression (using examples from Dickinson and Whitman) versus the effectiveness of prose (using examples from Dickens and Dostoyevsky). Think in terms of political, psychological, personal, and other forms of expression. The assignment should be supported by the literature (quotations from the novels and the poems) AND independent research (quotes from at least one (1) critical source, meaning a literary journal article, properly cited). The paper should be three to four (3-4 )pages in length with an introduction and a conclusion. Be sure to use quotes from the text to support your argument. You must use proper MLA-compliant heading and style, and you must create your own title for the paper. Do not call the assignment by the name of the text under discussion–for example, do not title your paper “Walt Whitman.” The paper should have a clear thesis supported by the literature (at least two citations from the literature). The paper should have an introduction–opening paragraphs with a thesis statement (including author and title of text), body paragraphs with properly cited quotes using standard MLA-style documentation, and a clear conclusion. USE ONLY THESE STORIES AS REFERENCES AND NOT ANY OTHER WORK OF THE ARTISTS Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol Fyodor Dostoyevsky – Notes from the underground Walt Whitman – (any poem from from book 1 can be used to make reference, a link to access of book 1 poems can be seen below) https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/3985648/mod_resource/content/1/LEAVES%20OF%20GRASS.pdf Emily Dickinsons – (Any of her poems can be used to make reference)
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