Essay on WEB Du Bois on Racial Equality
Name and date must be at the top of the page
Answer the questions at the end of the document in essay format:
- Introduction paragraph – Four or more sentences of general information about the person or subject area (no outside research, use your book only)
- A paragraph per question – If there are four numbered questions, then you will have four paragraphs. If there are multiple questions within a numbered question, answer them within the same paragraph. Four or more sentences for each paragraph.
- Conclusion paragraph – Four or more sentences, provide your own thoughts on the document
File submission must be in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF (.pdf)
It must be 12pt font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced.
Save your document as YourLastName_HIS1112 (For example, my own submission would be: Johnson_HIS1112)
See attached document for reading material + questions that need to be answered in the essay.
The textbook that is being referred to is The American Promise, 7th Edition by Roark, Johnson, Cohen, Stage, Hartmann
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