Ethics and Social Responsibility

Chapter 2  Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business​31   “TO SURF OR NOT TO SURF”   A recent survey by America Online and found that the average worker admits to wasting 2.09 hours per eight-hour workday and that 44.7 per-cent of those surveyed reported Internet surfing as their No. 1 distraction at work. Most reasonable persons would agree that some use of the Internet for per-sonal reasons is acceptable as long as it does not interfere with overall work performance. Clearly, it is up to the employer to determine what type of com-puter and Internet use is acceptable and to educate its employees as to those guidelines and restrictions. “Pupster Dog Fashions” is both a retail and an online operation, employing four in-store sales persons, eight customer-service and order-processing employees, a retail manager, an online manager, and two people in packing and shipping. Pupster’s hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday for the retail store, and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the online operation. All employees work a standard eight-hour day with an hour for lunch and two 15-minute breaks. In your groups, develop a policy and set of guidelines for computer/Internet us-age for Pupster Dog Fashions. You have 20 minutes. Be as specific as possible in developing your guidelines.   Your policy should contain the following elements:   •​Statement of Policy (guiding principles) •​Specific Guidelines •​Monitoring Policy •​Penalties for Violations

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