Exercise designed to appreciate comparative merit of CP, writing homework help
Exercise 44 … (For-Credit of 6 points)
Derive the conclusion from the premises:
[44-1] Exercise designed to appreciate comparative merit of CP:
with the same argument below,
[44-1.1] do the 1st proof without using CP; &
[44-1.2] do the 2nd proof by using CP:
C: A -> F
1: ~F -> ~H
2: ~A V H
[44-2] Exercise to compare two CP’s, one of which employs CP
as part of the whole process:
with the same argument below,
[44-2.1] do the 1st proof by using CP with ~X as AP
[44-2.2] do the 2nd proof by using CP with Y as AP; & then Contra
C: ~X -> ~Y
1: (J V Q) -> X
2: Y -> (J & N)
[44-3] Exercise designed to see CP as a self-contained module:
use CP to the get the 1st part of conjunction;
use the conditional as a premise to get the 2nd part; &
be careful not to take the 2nd part of conjunction from CP
C: (D -> E) & ~K
1: ~D V ~K
2: ~E -> K
3: (~D V E) -> ~K
[44-4] Exercise designed to employ CP twice to get an equivalence
do the 1st proof for M -> G by CP;
do the 2nd proof for G -> M by CP;
combine them by Conj; &
then use Equiv
C: M <-> G
1: M V ~G
2: M -> ~Y
3: ~G -> Y
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