Explain Instances of Reliability and Validity
For part one of this task, explain the following terms:
- Inter-rater reliability
- Test re-test reliability/Repeated measures reliability
- Face validity
- Predictive validity
- Concurrent validity
Once you have explained these, for each term, provide an example of how you could test
for that term. You can use actual examples from articles you have read (e.g. an example of
a test for inter-rater reliability was used in [author, year].
In this study, … [explain]).
For part two of this task, select two articles from your annotated bibliography and explain
how the authors addressed issues of reliability and validity. Be thorough and provide
examples to support your findings.
Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified
resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
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