Fareed Al-Mashat. (2016, September 20). Cultural…

Fareed Al-Mashat. (2016, September 20). Cultural…

Fareed Al-Mashat. (2016, September 20). Cultural…

Fareed Al-Mashat. (2016, September 20). Cultural competence (Links to an external site.)

[Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKDMxLZHhPA (Types of diversity: age, gender, ethnicity, language, cultural)

Please, would give an examples of cultural bridging techniques observed in the skits or were discussed by panelists or lecturers?

Please would compare and contrast examples of culturally sensitive and culturally insensitive interactions between the clients/patients and health professionals as depicted or discussed in the videos you selected. Thank you so much.

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