Feature Article

Feature Article Writing Workshop

Your Project  assignment, which is due this Wednesday, is to rewrite a paper you

have written for a previous writing class as a feature article. You cannot simply turn

in something you have already written! You need to rewrite it as a feature article,

using the very specific features and best practices of this new genre. We will be

using this worksheet to help you restructure and rewrite your old material for this



The introduction/hook/lede of a feature article is about one to three paragraphs long.

The lede is usually an anecdote that illustrates the main point of the story. Please write

your 3-paragraph lede below or paste possible material that you will be rewriting as

your lede—the material should be narrative in nature—you must be telling a story.

Nut Grafe

The nut graf is a paragraph that explains what the whole article is about. Please write

your nut graft below or paste possible material that you will be rewriting as your nut


Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a feature article present different aspects of the main story,

making points using anecdotes, quotes, and statistics/data. Please sort the material of

your paper’s body below, according to whether it is an anecdote (the continuation of

the story in your hook/intro/lede), facts/statistics/data you are presenting, or quotes

(something someone says or that source says to back up and illustrate your points).


Quotes (something someone says or that source says to back up and illustrate your


Anecdotes (the continuation of the story in your hook/intro/lede):


The conclusion is a paragraph that ends the feature article in a memorable way with a

really good quote or an ending scene. Please write your conclusion below or paste

possible material that you will be rewriting as your conclusion.

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