



How does this article reflect what is embodied in the U.S. Constitution about the respective rights of those who creaate and invent? What is one take-away point from the article? Are there any ethical issues that are also reflected in this article?

Why is intellectual property similar to or different than other kinds of property? What are some of the advantages of using intellectual property law to protect creative work, including music, video, images and software? What are some of the disadvantages? How does the author address this from rights-based and utilitarian analysis?

Select one of the cases described in Chapter 4. What was the behavior that was at issue in this case? What approach was taken to address this issue? Do you agree with the court’s decision or the end result in the case? What else was done (technology, legislation, industry action) to deal with this issue or to prevent the behavior?

How has technology impacted copyright and patent law? In thinking about the development of some of the technologies described in Chapter 4, at what point did copyright or patent law no longer seem to be a good fit for the situation? Did the court seem to stretch to fit the law to the technology?

Have you used an open-source software license or a Creative Commons license? If so, please describe. What is the philosophy behind these licenses? How do these licenses address disadvantages with copyright or patent law as a way to protect creative work? Why would these approaches be more appealing to people who develop or use creative materials? What are some of the disadvantages with these licenses?

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