

1. Which view regarding oligopolies argues that oligopolies stifle competition and should be broken up?
a. the antitrust view
b. the do- nothing view
c. the regulation view
d. none of the above

2. Which of the following would negatively impact the effectiveness of market theory consumer protection?

Low prices


High prices

Many competitors

3. Which of the following would be considered a deceptive advertisement?

A. One in which the author accidentally includes information he or she knows to be false
B. One in which the author purposely includes information he or she knows to be false
C. One in which the author includes false information that is obviously false to the audience
D. All of the above

4. The social cost view improves utility in what way?

A. Improves employment through greater manufacturing output
B. Decreases workplace accidents through government regulation
C. Internalizes the costs of injuries and accidents to the manufacturer
D. All of the above

5. Which is NOT a view on the duty of a business to its customers?
A. duty of care view
B. social costs view
C. contract view
D. normative view

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