Finance Test

Question 2


In the table below, outline internal and external sources of information relevant to forecasting market trends.

R 1. Identify whether the source is internal or external

R 2. provide three examples where each can be sourced

R 3. explain how each relates to forecasting marketing trends

R 4. word count is approximately 50 words per source.

Source of information Internal/External Where can be sourced How it relates to forecasting
Business and strategic objectives      
Marketing and Business performance      
Comparative market information      
Changes in technology      
Demographic changes      
Social and cultural factors      
Economic trends      
Government activities and legislative changes      
Industry trends      
Supplier data      


Question 2

Outline the legislative and regulatory context that impact marketing operations.

R 1. list five legislation and five codes relevant to marketing operations:

· correctly write the name and date of each item

· these names and dates must be current

R 2. for each list item, provide a summary of key provisions on marketing operations

R 3. word count is approximately 25 words per summary.

Question 3

Outline industry bodies that regulate the marketing space in Australia.

R 1. list five industry bodies:

· correctly write their name

· these bodies must be current

R 2. for each body:

· provide reference to its corporate website

· explain its main purpose

· list an example of code, standards or guidelines it currently administers

R 3. word count is approximately 25 words per body.

Question 4

Identify and outline software applications that are commonly used in quantitative and qualitative analysis.

R 1. identify three software applications

R 2. provide three strengths and three limitations of each

R 3. word count is approximately 50 words per application.

Question 5

Using the table below, outline statistical concepts, methods, techniques and reporting formats commonly used in marketing.

R 1. provide an example of how each table item can be used in market analysis

R 2. word count is approximately 25 words per item.

Statistical concepts, methods, techniques and reporting formats Example
conversion rate of leads to sales  
measures of central tendency  
measures of dispersion  
correlation and regression analysis  
net response rate  
normal distribution probability curve  
speed of response curve  
frequency grids  
lifetime value of customers  
net present value of customers  

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